Top 10 Incredible Food Facts

10) There are over 1000 different kinds of apples.They are also more proficient at waking you up in the morning than coffee. And they float in water because they are 25% air.

9) Cherries are a member of the rose family.

8) Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries.

7) Pumpkins and avocados are fruits not vegetables.

6) Strawberries and cashews are the only fruits that have their seeds on the outside unlike all other fruits which have their seeds inside.

5) Lychee seeds are poisonous and should not be eaten.

4) Grapefruit can cause dangerous reactions with some prescription medications.

3) The aminoacid tryptophan found in bananas which reduces depression.

2) Mangoes are the most favorite and number 1 fruit in the world.

1) The most hated vegetable in the world is Brussels Sprouts.

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